Caring for your Waterlily Plants

Waterlily plants act as the cooling system for your pond’s water. They provide shade over the surface of the water, reducing the sunlight that actually penetrates the pond. This shading also reduces algae growth due to lower sunlight levels. The lilies also provide security to fish below by giving them cover to hide under.

Here are our tips on making sure your waterlily plants survive leaving our nursery to living in your pond:

Upon arrival of your water lilies, take care of taking them out of the bag and ensure they are placed in your pond immediately

Unfold the leaves and ensure the leaves are turned upright and sitting flat on the water.

Your water lily must be in at least or greater than 30 cm of water.

Your water lily must be in full sun for at least 4 hours of the day to flower.

Do not put your water lilies near fountains they do not like continuously water splashing on them.

This causes the leaves to rot and the water lily will eventually die.

Water Lilies need feeding at least every 4-6 weeks during their growing season.

To fertilize water lilies, you must first remove the pot from the pond and push your finger or a stick into the potting mixture and place about 1 teaspoon of slow releasing fertiliser into the hole and cover it. Then carefully place back into the pond.

Remove spent leaves and flowers from your water lilies; this will encourage growth of new leaves and flowers.

If you do not wish to remove the spent leaves and flowers, they will naturally sink beneath the water and compost.

If you wish to re pot your water lily, use a clay mix (do not use potting mix) and then top with sand to keep the clay from coming out of the pot and fertilize.

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